The steps have been taken to stop the decision for disconnecting the water supply in defaulting schools according to the instructions given by The Minister of Education Dr. Susil Premajayantha when he had a discussion with the chairperson of Water Board. The minister also said that the measures will be taken to pay the bill
The Minister of Education Dr. Susil Premajayantha says that in a situation where the calling for applications for higher education scholarships offered to Sri Lanka by Russian and Belarus states had been delayed during the recent Covid pandemic season and he had taken immediate necessary actions to offer these scholarships calling applications after publishing on
While engaging in an official visit in Russia The Minister of Education Dr. Susil Premajayantha met the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Mr. Alexander Novak. At this occasion the minister reminded the long-term support extended to Sri Lanka by Russia and expressed the thanks for it. Extended discussions were also held at this moment about
Transformational change in the education of children is essential if we are to embark at least on the first step of the fourth industrial revolution. The Minister of Education Dr. Susil Premajayantha  The Minister of Education Dr. Susil Premajayantha said that the knowledge of our children must be equalized with that of the children pursuing
The Minister of Education Dr. Susil Premajayantha The Minister of Education Dr. Susil Premajayantha says that he is engaged in a great effort to release the children from this oppressive mental torture of facing examinations keeping the subject knowledge in their memory for several years continuously. The minister said that the existing system of exam