Utilize funds fruitfully for the educational development of the children of the country
Disburse and direct the recurrent funds allocated for the Ministry of Education under the head of expenditure No. 126 by the annual budget and the imprest issued by the treasury to the sub offices (National schools, assisted schools, privenas, Teacher Training Colleges and National Colleges of Education) to carry out their plans to meet their needs according to the financial management process providing the necessary financial details to the Treasury
Main Functions
Preparation of expenditure estimate of the ministry
Allocation of recurrent expenditure provisions and maintain a ledger
Issue imprest to all sub offices that come under the Ministry and maintain the imprest account
Preparation of appropriation account of the recurrent expenditure
Submit the summary of accounts of the Ministry to the Treasury
Purchasing, storing and distributing the stationery and other commodities of the Ministry of Education and Minister’s office, based on the requirement
Procurement of capital items, maintaining and service, all printing activities of the ministry
Conducting board of survey followed by inquiries and deducting for damages and shortages of the National Colleges of Education and Teacher Training Colleges
Updating and maintaining the asset register of the ministry as per the F.R.66.104
Preparation of estimates on capital budget including foreign funded projects such as ADB, ESDG (WB), UNICEF, UNESCO, Save the Children, releasing funds, submit expenditure reports and handle appropriation account
Preparation of the estimates on advance "B" account, release funds, prepare annual consolidated comparison statement for the officials of the Ministry and the 341 National Schools, 18 National Colleges of Education, 100 Teacher Centers and 10 Teacher Training Colleges
Coordinate financial and account activities of the institutions that come under the purview of the Ministry, such as National Institute of Education, Department of Examinations, Educational Publication Department, National Library & Documentation Service Board