The Minister of Education said that the opportunities will be given to the students to sit for the Advanced Level and grade five scholarship examinations on the scheduled dates obtaining continuous instructions and full cooperation from the defense, health and all other sections. Accordingly, the grade five scholarship examination will be held on Sunday 11th
The approval has been granted for the cabinet paper submitted by The Minister of Education Professor G.L. Pieris relating to the increase of the maximum number of students that should be in one class in a school paying the way for students and the teachers for an excellent learning process and protecting the students’ right
The Minister of Education G.L. Pieris said that wasting of time about one and half years forAdvanced Level passed students to enter the universities due to the limited number ofapplications received for re-scrutinizing the answer scripts after the advanced level examinationmust be stopped. More logical, practical and flexible method must be followed for that purpose.The
The Minister of Education Professor G.L. Pieris mentioned that the programs must be planned todevelop educational ties between Sri Lanka and France in the near future and to maintain strongcooperation between the two countries. Especially, the importance of learning foreign languagesmust be emphasized to the students and the contribution of the French government is expectedfor