School Reopening in Sri Lanka

Sri Lankan children have been kept away from school from time to time, (for nearly two years and a half) since March 2020, predominantly because of the global pandemic and recently because of the disturbances caused by the economic crisis the country is facing at the moment. It is evident that millions of children are
According to the circular issued on 19.07.2022, as the instructions given by the Ministry of Education to the Provincial Secretaries of Education, Provincial Directors of Education, Zonal Directors of Education, Divisional Deputy / Assistant Directors of Education and all Principals Government and government approved private schools will be reopened from Monday, 25th of July 2022
A donation of ten thousand metric tons of rice from People’s Republic of China to continue the school mid-day meal program The school food program implemented successfully for about 30 years providing mid-day meal to one million eighty thousand children in 7925 schools in the country is not properly conducted now in the face of
An educational summit was held at the headquarters of UNESCO organization in Paris on 29th of June with the participation of the ministers of education from all countries. The Minister of Education Dr. Susil Premajayantha participated in it representing Sri Lanka. The main objective of this summit, which was held under the theme of “Transforming
A meeting between the Japanese Ambassador in Sri Lanka Mr. Mizukoshi Hideaki and The Minister of Education Dr. Susil Premajayantha was taken place today the 24th at ‘Isurupaya’ Ministry of Education. The international relationships between Japan and Sri Lanka and the present education system in our country and the scheduled program to be implemented in