It has been decided to conduct educational activities in the following manner during the week from 20.06.2022 to 24.06.2022 based on the information presented in the discussion conducted online on 18.06.2022 by the officers of the Ministry of Education with the provincial education officers. The views obtained from the principals and divisional and zonal directors
Considering the requests of the teachers, arrangements have been made to give temporary service placements to easy schools under the following conditions. These placements will be effective only till 31.12.2022 and all these placements must be activated only upon the written agreement of the principals of the two schools without occurring any obstacle to the
Applications and the relevant instructions including procedures to admit students to grade one of the government schools in 2023 have been issued. Those applications and the instructions can be obtained entering the official web site of the Ministry of Education The relevant series of instructions and the application have been sent together with this. Download
– Minister of Education Dr. Susil Premajayantha Minister of Education Dr. Susil Premajayantha says that the entire education must be restructured and that complete change must be started from pre-school. The system of education must be changed dividing one segment of children for sending to the field of higher education and another segment with talents
According to a photograph published in social media and a daily newspaper it was shown the way of children sitting for the G.C.E. Ordinary Level examination among difficulties yesterday (31.05.2022) in an examination hall of a school in Hampaha zone. The ministry of education has given necessary instructions to the commissioner of examinations to take