A meeting was held at the Ministry of Education between the Belarus Ambassador Mr. Andrei I. Rzheussky who came to the island from New Delhi and The Minister of Education Dr. Susil Premajayantha.
The matters relating to the implementation of bilateral programs to promote the cooperation between the two countries and to provide higher education opportunities in Belarus for Sri Lankan students for the upliftment of the higher education field in this country were discussed at this occasion. Mr. Susil Premajayantha expressed his thanks to Belarus Ambassador for the higher education opportunities and the cooperation extended to this country earlier by the state of Belarus.
After that the Belarus Ambassador had discussions with the heads of the University of Moratuwa, NSBM Green University, Higher Education Technological Institute, Skills Development Fund, National Apprenticeship and Technical Training Authority and the Vocational Training Authority.
Discussions were held at this occasion about implementing courses with foreign qualifications and recognition integrating these institutions with the higher education institutions in Belarus. Furthermore, the Belarus Ambassador promised at this occasion to provide full cooperation necessary for exchange programs and training programs in the fields of skills development, technological education, Science and Technology.