Demadaoya Primary School of Nalandawa in Galewela education zone Central Province is an old school functioning from 1961. The present total number of students in this school is 01 and 04 teachers are working in it.
A principal with a grade is scheduled to be appointed to this school and the reason for decreasing the number of students is inadequate facilities in the school and existence of several schools with more facilities in the close proximity.
The officers in the Galewela Education Zone and the principal scheduled to come to school in the near future are taking a great effort to develop necessary facilities and facing the challenge of retaining the students in the school.
The Minister of Education, Sports and Youth Affairs Dallas Alahapperuma who came unexpectedly to the occasion of admitting three (03) students to this school for the year 2020 mentioned that it can be considered as a good start to enroll three students which was maintained with only one student and in the future steps will be taken to increase the facilities including a new school building with necessary facilities. Therefore, it will be possible to increase the enrollment of students from next year. It is also his responsibility to assist as a government to establish new schools as well as to improve the schools on the verge of closure, said the minister at this occasion.